Citations for
HOXA10, EMX2 and TENM1 expression in the mid-secretory endometrium of infertile women with a Müllerian duct anomaly.
Zhu Y, Luo M, Huang H, Du X, Chen D, Xing Q, Wang B, Cao Y.
Reprod Biomed Online 32(4):388-93. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2016.01.005. Epub 2016 Jan 29. 2016
Human teneurin-1 is a direct target of the homeobox transcription factor EMX2 at a novel alternate promoter.
Beckmann J, Vitobello A, Ferralli J, Brož DK, Rijli FM, Chiquet-Ehrismann R.
BMC Dev Biol 11:35. 2011
EMX2 is epigenetically silenced and suppresses growth in human lung cancer.
Okamoto J, Hirata T, Chen Z, Zhou HM, Mikami I, Li H, Yagui-Beltran A, Johansson M, Coussens LM, Clement G, Shi Y, Zhang F, Koizumi K, Shimizu K, Jablons D, He B.
Oncogene 29(44):5969-75. Epub 2010 Aug 9. Erratum in: Oncogene. 2010 Nov 4;29(44):5976. Beltran, A [corrected to Yagui-Beltran, A]. 2010
The same enhancer regulates the earliest Emx2 expression in caudal forebrain primordium, subsequent expression in dorsal telencephalon and later expression in the cortical ventricular zone.
Suda Y, Kokura K, Kimura J, Kajikawa E, Inoue F, Aizawa S.
Development 137(17):2939-49. Epub 2010 Jul 28. 2010
Emx2 and Foxg1 inhibit gliogenesis and promote neuronogenesis.
Brancaccio M, Pivetta C, Granzotto M, Filippis C, Mallamaci A.
Stem Cells 28(7):1206-18. 2010
Emx2 and early hair cell development in the mouse inner ear.
Holley M, Rhodes C, Kneebone A, Herde MK, Fleming M, Steel KP.
Dev Biol 340(2):547-56. Epub 2010 Feb 10. 2010
7ARX, DLX1, DLX2, EMX1, EMX2, GSX2, LHX1, LHX5, LHX2, LHX6, LHX8, NKX2-1, OTX1, OTX2, PAX6
Homeobox genes in vertebrate forebrain development and disease.
Wigle JT, Eisenstat DD.
Clin Genet 73(3):212-26. Epub 2008 Jan 31. Review. 2008
Emx2 stimulates odorant receptor gene expression.
McIntyre JC, Bose SC, Stromberg AJ, McClintock TS.
Chem Senses 33(9):825-37. Epub 2008 Oct 14. 2008
9EMX2, FGF17, FGF8
Frontal cortex subdivision patterning is coordinately regulated by Fgf8, Fgf17, and Emx2.
Cholfin JA, Rubenstein JL.
J Comp Neurol 509(2):144-55. doi: 10.1002/cne.21709. 2008
Comprehensive EMX2 genotyping of a large schizencephaly case series.
Tietjen I, Bodell A, Apse K, Mendonza AM, Chang BS, Shaw GM, Barkovich AJ, Lammer EJ, Walsh CA.
Am J Med Genet A 143(12):1313-6. 2007
11EMX2, SP8
Genetic interplay between the transcription factors Sp8 and Emx2 in the patterning of the forebrain.
Zembrzycki A, Griesel G, Stoykova A, Mansouri A.
Neural Dev 2:8. 2007
12EMX1, EMX2
The transcription factors Emx1 and Emx2 suppress choroid plexus development and promote neuroepithelial cell fate.
von Frowein J, Wizenmann A, Gštz M.
Dev Biol 296(1):239-52. Epub 2006 May 5. 2006
Genetics of the polymicrogyria syndromes.
Jansen A, Andermann E.
J Med Genet 42(5):369-78. Review. 2005
Antisense transcripts at the EMX2 locus in human and mouse( small star, filled ).
Noonan FC, Goodfellow PJ, Staloch LJ, Mutch DG, Simon TC.
Genomics 81(1):58-66. 2003
15EMX2, VAX1
Emx2: a gene responsible for cortical development, regionalization and area specification.
Cecchi C.
Gene 291(1-2):1-9. Review. 2002
16EMX2, TSG10B
Characterization of the homeodomain gene emx2: sequence conservation, expression analysis, and a search for mutations in endometrial cancers.
Noonan FC, Mutch DG, Ann Mallon M, Goodfellow PJ.
Genomics 76(1-3):37-44. 2001
Emx2 is required for growth of the hippocampus but not for hippocampal field specification.
Tole S, Goudreau G, Assimacopoulos S, Grove EA.
J Neurosci 20(7):2618-25. 2000
Familial schizencephaly associated with EMX2 mutation.
Granata T, Farina L, Faiella A, Cardini R, D'Incerti L, Boncinelli E, Battaglia G.
Neurology 48(5):1403-6. 1997
A number of schizencephaly patients including 2 brothers are heterozygous for germline mutations i the homeobox gene EMX2.
Faiella A, Brunelli S, Granata T, D'Incerti L, Cardini R, Lenti C, Battaglia G, Boncinelli E.
Eur J Hum Genet 5(4):186-90. 1997
Germline mutations in the homeobox gene EMX2 in patients with severe schizencephaly.
Brunelli S, et al.
Nat Genet 12 : 94-96. 1996
21EMX2, HMX2
Phylogenetic conservation and physical mapping of members of the H6 homeobox gene family.
Stadler HS, Murray JC, Leysens NJ, Goodfellow PJ, Solursh M.
Mamm Genome 6(6):383-8. 1995
22EMX1, EMX2, OTX1, OTX2
Chromosome locations of human EMX and OTX genes.
Kastury K, et al.
Genomics 22 : 41-45. 1994