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last update : 10-10-2017
Symbol WTSL1
Location Xq13
HGNC id 12798
Name Wilson-Turner mental retardation like syndrome 1
Corresponding gene HDAC8
Other symbol(s) MRXS6
Main clinical features
  • obesity, gynecomastia, speech difficulties, emotional lability, tapering fingers, and small feet
  • Genetic determination sex linked
    Related entries . gynecomastia and obesity (Wilson-Turner syndrome), overlapping the interval where a phenotypically similar MRXS has been located (Xp11-q23) . intellectual disability, hypogonadism, gynaecomastia, truncal obesity, short stature and recognisable craniofacial manifestations, mental retardation
    Function/system disorder congenital malformation
    mental retardation
    Type disease