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last update : 18/10/2008
Symbol ARH
Location 1p36.11
Name hypercholesterolemia, severe
Corresponding gene LDLRAP1
Other symbol(s) FHCB1, ARH2, FHCB2
Main clinical features
  • age of diagnosis can vary between the first and fifth decades of life
  • associated with premature coronary heart disease and massive deposits of LDL-derived cholesterol in the skin, normal plasma LDL in obligate heterozygotes
  • early appearance of corneal arcus, cutaneous planar xanthomata over hands and extremities, tuberous xanthomata over elbows and tendinous xanthomata in the hand extensor and Achilles tendons
  • Genetic determination autosomal recessive
    Function/system disorder metabolism/lipoprotein-lipid
    Type disease
    Gene product
    Name LDL receptor adaptor