neuronal cytoplasmic protein aggregation and defective RNA metabolism appear to be common pathogenic mechanisms involved in ALS
C-terminal ALS-associated FUS mutations leading to pathological FUS inclusions mostly observed in the cytosol, and inclusion-bearing cells often show a reduction of nuclear staining, and cause a toxic gain-of-function because of excessive accumulation in the cytoplasm (PMID: 20606625))
R495X FUS, which abrogates a putative nuclear localization signal at the C-terminus of FUS, caused a striking cytoplasmic accumulation of the protein to a greater extent than that observed for recessive (H517Q) and dominant (R521G) missense mutants (PMID: 20699327))
mutations in the PY-NLS disrupted nuclear import of FUS, causing its mislocalization and aggregation in the cytoplasm, as evidenced by cytoplasmic FUS inclusions in motor neurons of ALS6 patients (PMID: 22778397))
mutant FUS induces fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus which is enhanced by ATXN2 polyQ31 (PMID: 23072909)) |