| three ANK repeats at the N terminus, necessary for oligomerization of TRPV4, found to bind to the armadillo repeat domain of CTNNB1  |
a proline-rich N-terminal region important for the interaction with PACSIN 3, that does not have a counterpart in other members of the TRPV subfamily |
six predicted membrane-spanning domain and a putative pore loop |
a cation conductivity pore between transmembrane domains 5 and 6 |
C-terminal intracellular tailsrequired for oligomerization, which takes place in the ER and precedes plasma membrane trafficking , having a role in modulating protein folding, trafficking, and activity  |
| plasma membrane,junction,adherens
| intracellular
| intracellular,cytoplasm,organelle,endoplasmic reticulum
| functional interaction with PACSIN3 could be important in cell types that show distribution of both proteins to the same subcellular regions such as renal tubule cells where the proteins are associated with the luminal plasma membrane  |
all deletions upstream of AA 828 resulted in total ER retention that could not rescued by coexpression with the full-length protein  |
specifically localized with AJ components at the plasma membrane  |
strongly expressed in astrocytic endfeet membranes abutting the pia  |
forms a homotetramer within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)  |
| Ca2+ permeable, non selective cation channel, be involved in the regulation of systemic osmotic pressure |
may be playing a role in the regulation of body osmolarity, mechanosensation, temperature sensing, vascular regulation and, possibly, hearing |
regulates the SOX9 pathway and contributes to the process of chondrogenesis |
displays a widespread expression in various cells and tissues and has been implicated in diverse physiological processes, including osmotic homeostasis, thermo- and mechanosensation, vasorelaxation, tuning of neuronal excitability, and bladder voiding |
has a functional role in keratinocyte cell volume regulation |
plays a crucial role in regulating airway epithelial barrier function, epithelial and endothelial permeability, smooth muscle contraction and mucociliary transport  |
mediate Ca2+ influx (assumed to act as a trigger of regulatory volume decrease) in response to osmotic stress |
contains an additional voltage-dependent gating mechanism in series with the main intracellular gate  |
having a role in the development and maturation of cell-cell junctions in epithelia of the skin  |
involved in the actin remodeling, which is important for development and maturation of cell-cell contacts induced by the Ca2+ switch  |
plays an important role in the formation and/or maintenance of functional intercellular barriers  |
its activation leads to a retraction of the lamellipodia and to a decrease in migratory behaviour  |
TRPV4 and AQP4 combined possess the essential features expected of a regulatory volume decrease (RVD) activator  |
mediates neurotrophic factor-driven neuritogenesis in peripheral neurons  |
is essential for axonal growth of sensory/motor nerves in early development as well as for their maintenance in the adult  |
TRPV4 channel function may be modulated by TUBB and ANXA2 and their interactions may play a role in the mechanosensation in the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain  |
important role in epidermal barrier function in human skin keratinocytes  |
mediates Ca(2+) influx in the late stage of osteoclast differentiation and thereby regulates Ca(2+) signaling  |
role of TRPV4 as a cell-autonomous mediator for both the thermogenic and proinflammatory programs in adipocytes  |
is a regulator of adipose oxidative metabolism, inflammation, and energy homeostasis  |
functional status of TRPV4, which underlies mechanosensitive Ca(2+) signaling in collecting duct cells, inversely correlates with renal cystogenesis in ARPKD (autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease) |
endothelial TRPV4 channels mediate dilation of cerebral arteries  |
role for TRPV4 finger loop three in the physiological response |
glial cell-expressed TRPV4 is a potential key factor responsible for infrasound-induced neuronal impairment  |
suggested to play a role in the regulation of ciliary beat frequency (CBF)  |
may participate in mucociliary clearance and airway protection  |
male-specific regulator of bone metabolism, a determinant of bone strength, and a potential risk predictor for fractures through regulation of bone matrix mineralization and intra-cortical porosity  |
likely AKAP5, PRKCA, and TRPV4 channels form dynamic subcellular signaling domains that control Ca(2+) influx into arterial myocytes  |