| activating HIV-1 gene expression in synergy with the viral Tat protein |
TARBP2 enhanced expression of the HIV-1 LTR in human |
and murine cells |
facilitating the production of small interfering RNA (siRNA) by Dicer |
TRBP, inhibits the activity of the interferon-induced protein kinase R (PKR) |
during development, TRBP has a function in spermatogenesis and growth control |
TRBP regulates the activation of PKR by controlling its accessibility to the PKR activator (PRKRA) |
double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-binding protein, which binds to DiCER1 and is required for the RNA interference pathway |
TRBP has an oncogenic potential due to its interaction with PKR and the tumor suppressor Merlin induces its degradation by ubiquitination |
its activities at the molecular level impact the cellular function from normal development to cancer and the response to infections |
double-stranded RNA-specific diffusion activity of TARBP2 contributes to enhancing siRNA and miRNA processing by DICER1 |
cytoplasmic RISC proteins PRKRA, TARBP2, and DICER1 are steroid receptor RNA activator (SRA) binding nuclear receptor coregulators that target steroid-responsive promoters and regulate nuclear receptor activity and downstream gene expression |
non-canonical and direct role for TARBP2 in gene expression regulation and regulated RNA destabilization through protein-mediated binding of mRNA structural elements can govern cancer progression |
RNA-binding protein (RBP) involved in miRNA processing and maturation |