| sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter, required for transport of ascorbic acid into many tissues and across the placenta |
role in transporting the dietary essential micronutrient ascorbic acid, the reduced and active form of vitamin C  |
uptake of ascorbic acid in the peripheral nervous system is crucially dependent on the expression and activity of SLC23A2  |
mediating zinc-induced osteopontin and osteocalcin expression and partly regulating zinc induced osteoblastic differentiation |
plays an important role in cellular accumulation of ascorbic acid in liver cells  |
critical for maintaining vitamin C levels in fetal and placental tissues  |
SLC23A2-mediated uptake of vitamin C could play diverse roles on skeletal muscle development and physiology  |
required for life and is critical during brain development to supply adequate levels of ASC (ascorbic acid)  |