| interacting with MAD-MAX heterodimers by binding to MAD |
interacting with MXI1 to repress MYC responsive genes and antagonize MYC oncogenic activities |
interacting with FOXK1/MNF, NCOR1 and SAP30 |
interaction with SDS3 enhances the interaction with HDAC1 to form a complex |
interacting with MAD3, MAD4, MAEL, REST and SETDB1 |
interacting with HCFC1 |
FOXK1 interacts with SIN3A/SIN3B through the SID and SIN3A/SIN3B has an important role in the regulation of cell cycle kinetics of the myogenic progenitors cells population |
SIN3B, together with other MYC regulatory members, maintain the steady-state level of MXD4, in part through inhibition of BIRC2-mediated degradation of MXD4 |
interaction between the transcriptional corepressor SIN3B and voltage-gated sodium channels modulates functional channel expression |
SIN3B decreases MYC protein levels upon MYC deacetylation |
SIN3B is a novel direct target of BMI1, and BMI1-driven repression of SIN3B is an essential regulator of cellular senescence |
BMP4-dependent transcription is negatively autoregulated in part by SIN3B alternative splicing, and RBM39 plays a role in this process |
PHF12 associates with a chromatin interacting protein complex comprised of MORF4L1, SIN3B, and HDAC1, that functions as a transcriptional modulator |
RNF220 is an E3 ligase promoting the ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of SIN3B, a chromatin-associated protein, which plays a vital role in chromatin condensation |