| FNBP3 |
MYB cooperates with CASP8AP2 in foci associated with active POLR2A, leading to enhancement of MYB-dependent gene activation  |
histone N-terminal tails interfere with nucleosome traversal by POLR2A  |
direct interaction of PHF8 with the C-terminal domain of POLR2A  |
Mediator complex interacts extensively with POLR2A, suggesting that activator-induced structural shifts within Mediator trigger activation of stalled Pol II  |
DBIRD complex acts at the interface between mRNP particles and POLR2A, integrating transcript elongation with the regulation of alternative splicing  |
AGO1 and AGO2 facilitate spliceosome recruitment and modulate POLR2A elongation rate, thereby affecting alternative splicing  |
role for SNAPC1 as a general transcriptional coactivator that functions through elongating POLR2A  |
dynamic interaction of SNAPC1 with elongating POLR2A during activation of the FOS gene by EGF  |
interaction of CDK12 with CCNK is required for the phosphorylation of the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II  |
BRD4 regulates RNA polymerase II serine 2 phosphorylation in human CD4+ T cells  |
through cooperation with POLR2A and KDM6A, SUPT6H orchestrates removal of H3K27me3, thus controlling developmental gene expression and cell differentiation  |
nuclear DPP4 interacted with a genomic flanking region of the gene for POLR2A, a subunit of RNA polymerase II  |
RECQL5 interacts with POLR2A and inhibits transcription of protein-encoding genes  |
nuclear EIF2C1 regulates the expression of EIF2C1-bound genes that are implicated in oncogenic pathways including cell cycle progression, growth, and survival  |
PPP1R10 regulates POLR2A-mediated gene expression and is necessary for developmental growth  |
DGCR8 physically interacted with ERCC6 and POLR2A  |
by modulating the state of POLR2A complexes, RUVBL1 deregulation induces relication-transcription interference and compromises genome integrity during S-phase  |