| CSF2 |
binding TIMPs in a 1:1 stoechiometry |
WISP1 interacting with MMP2 (increased the migration and expression of MMP2 in human chondrosarcoma cells) ( |
UTS2 and NOX4 stimulated FOXO2, FOXO3 activity and MMP2 is a target gene of FOXO3 |
S100A14 promotes cell motility and invasiveness by regulating the expression and function of MMP2 in a TP53-dependent manner |
novel regulatory mechanism for pro-MMP2 activation that is modulated through homodimerization of MMP2 |
BEX2 promoted the progression of glioma by promoting cell migration and invasion, and these effects might be mediated by CDH2 and MMP2 |
TACR1 was a potential regulator of human glioma cell migration by the up-regulation of MMP2 and MMP14 |
physical association between PAK4 and MM2, suggesting the future therapeutic potential of PAK4/MMP2 dual targeting in glioma treatment |
MMP14 is an up-stream regulator for MMP2 and TIMP2 expression |
NFATC1 sequestering the SMAD3 prevents the proteasome mediated degradation of SKIL and SKIL has a role on the regulation of MMP2, MMP9 activity |
CAPN7 interacted with activator protein 2 (TFAP2A), an important transcription factor of MMP2 |
HDAC10 binds to the promoter regions of MMP2 and -9, deacetylates histones H3 and H4 in these regions, blocks the binding of RNA polymerase II, and consequently down-regulates MMP2 and -9 expression |
ID4 decreased MMP2 expression by a direct inhibitory interaction with TWIST1, a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor known to increase MMP2 expression |
GKN1 inhibits cell invasion by downregulating MMP2 expression through the NFKB1 pathway |
INVS could upregulate the expression of CDH2, VIM, MMP2, and MMP9 |
Other morbid association(s)
Type | Gene Modification | Chromosome rearrangement | Protein expression | Protein Function
| --over
in inflammatory bowel diseases, poly and dermatomyositis | tumoral
| --over
in prostate tumor and in malignant mesothelioma and in thymoma with poor prognosis | tumoral
| gain of function
in head and neck cancer (by CSF2) and in invasive glioma (inhibited by PTEN) | tumoral
| --over
in head and neck carcinoma with lymph node metastasis and in breast carcinoma with short survival | constitutional
| loss of function
linked with an autosomal recessive form of multicentric osteolysis | constitutional
| --low
contribute to the endothelial dysfunction that is central to the pathophysiology of preeclampsia | constitutional
| --over
in scarred keratoconic cornea | tumoral
| gain of function
in high expression of estrogen receptors associated with increased BCL2 levels in breast carcinoma | constitutional
| --over
have been detected after skin injury (jansen 2007) | constitutional
| --over
in women with pelvic organ prolapse (Connell 2008) | tumoral
| gain of function
resulting from decreased ID4 expression in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), may contribute to the morbidity and mortality of GBM patients | constitutional
| gain of function
SPARC, MMP2 and MM9 were significantly up-regulated in intracranial aneurysms relative to the expression levels in the normal Circle of Willis arteries | |