| acting as a tissue specific transcriptional activator of the alpha subunit of glycoprotein hormones |
involved in the control of cell differentiation in developing lymphoid and neural cell types |
acting as a classic selector gene and essential intrinsic determinant of cortical identity |
required for optic vesicle patterning and lens formation in part by regulating BMP signaling in an autocrine manner in the optic neuroepithelium and in a paracrine manner in the lens ectoderm |
regulates a regional-fate decision by telencephalic progenitors during a critical period that ends as they differentiate from neuroepithelial cells to neuronogenic radial glia |
essential role in the regulation of posterior pituitary development |
unique role in the hippocampus during the phase of active neurogenesis |
key regulator of the neuron-astrocyte cell fate switch in the developing hippocampus but it is an unexpected spatial selectivity within the telencephalon for this critical function |
is able to suppress baseline activation as well as NFIA-induced activation of the GFAP promoter |
LHX2 and LHX9 determine neuronal differentiation and compartition in the caudal forebrain by regulating Wnt signaling |
regulates the development of the forebrain hem system |
plays a critical role in human neural differentiation |
LHX2 regulates the transcription of downstream intrinsic and extrinsic molecules that are essential for early neural differentiation |
is a key regulator of retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) properties that contribute to the ordered production of multiple cell types during retinal tissue formation |
essential roles for LHX2 in glial wedge (GW), hippocampal commissure, and corpus callosum formation, suggesting that defects in radial GW progenitors can give rise to agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) |
LHX2 is a key intrinsic regulator of tanycyte differentiation, sustaining RAX-dependent activation of tanycyte-specific genes while also inhibiting expression of ependymal cell-specific genes |
critical roles for LHX2 that acts as one of the terminal selector genes in controlling principal properties of neurons |
regulates the cortex size by maintaining the cortical progenitor proliferation and delaying the initiation of neurogenesis |
is required for maintenance of the corneal epithelial cell compartment and the limbal barrier |
LHX2 not only directly regulates expression of NOTCH signaling pathway components, but also acts together with the gliogenic NOTCH pathway to drive Müller glia (MG) specification and differentiation |
neuroretinal expression of LHX2 and neuroretina-derived FGF factors are crucial for lens fiber development |
function for LHX2 in regulating dorsoventral patterning in the telencephalon |
is capable of blocking proliferation of T-ALL-derived cells by both LMO2-dependent and -independent means |
is a fundamental, temporally dynamic, always necessary, and often sufficient factor in a range of critical developmental phenomena |