| potentially modulating excitability in the brain and responding to regulation by cyclic nucleotides |
act as an inhibitory constraint of both spatial learning and synaptic integration and long-term plasticity in the distal dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons (Tsay 2007) |
playing a critical role in shaping the autonomous activity of single neurons and the periodicity of network oscillations |
playing an important role for motor learning and neuronal integration by cerebellar Purkinje cells |
inward current activated by hyperpolarization from the resting potential and an important modulator of action potential firing frequency in many excitable cells (Momin 2008) |
likely playing a critical role in regulating cortical pyramidal cell excitability (Huang 2009) |
play critical roles in homeostasis of neuronal activity crucial to neuronal physiology (Arimitsu 2009) |
in rods and cones, HCN channels increase the natural frequency response of single cells by modifying the photocurrent input, which is limited in its frequency response by the speed of a molecular signaling cascade (Barrow 2009) |
both the HCN1 and HCN2 isoforms are predominantly N-glycosylated in the embryonic heart, where they are found in significant amounts and where HCN-mediated currents are known to regulate beating frequency |
HCN4 was confirmed as the predominant isoform of the primary pacemaker followed by a distinct expression of HCN1, but in contrast HCN2 shows only a confined expression to individual pacemaker cells |
importance of HCN1 to intrinsic persistent firing and the behavioral output of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) |
HCN1 stabilizes the leading pacemaker region within the sinoatrial node and hence is crucial for stable heart rate and regular beat-to-beat variation |
HCN1, HCN2, and HCN4 subunits may have distinct physiological roles in the developing hippocampus |
importance of HCN1 channels for regular vision |
since HCN1 channels also affect post-synaptic potential kinetics and integration, our results indicate that there are diverse ways by which HCN1 channels influence synaptic strength and plasticity |
HCN1, HCN2, HCN4 channels are important regulators of excitability in neural, cardiac, and other pacemaking cells, which are often altered in disease |