| alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor-binding protein (ABP) ( |
protein interacting with C kinase, PICK1 ( |
GluR1, 3 and 4 ( |
syntenin ( |
N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor, NSF ( |
interacting with and signaling through the protein-kinase LYN, PRKCABP |
on GRIA2, B3GAT1 regulates cell surface stability of GRIA2 by modulating the interaction with CDH2 |
GRIP1 and GRIP2 (bind to the C-termini of AMPA-R GRIA2 and GRIA3 subunits) |
GRIA2-PICK1 interactions are a key component of the effects of APP on synapses |
activity-dependent trafficking of GRIP1 to synaptic sites drives the forward trafficking and enhanced synaptic accumulation of GRIA2-containing AMPAR during synaptic scaling up |
CPT1C binds GRIA1 and GRIA2 and that the three proteins have the same expression profile during neuronal maturation |
dual roles for PACSIN1 in controlling the internalization and recycling of GRIA2 after NMDAR activation |