| NOTCH1 ligand involved in cell differentiation in a justacrine/paracrine manner and in the pathogenesis of NF1 |
participating in the control of cell differentiation of several cell type, including small cell lung cancer lines, immune stem cells, B cells and adrenal glomerulose cells |
activates the MEK/ERK pathway to inhibit adipocyte differentiation |
may play a role in the formation or progression of gliomas |
coordinated expression of DLK1 and DLK2 may modulate adipogenesis  |
have ability to inhibit preadipocyte differentiation, and to regulate the differentiation of several other cell types through unknown mechanisms  |
by inducing Sox9, promotes chondrogenic induction of mesenchymal cells but inhibits differentiation into adipocytes  |
activating the MAPK kinase/ERK pathway |
enhancing cancer cell stemness and tumorigenicity  |
dispensable during embryonic neurogenesis  |
DLK1 secreted by SVZ (subventricular zone) niche astrocytes regulates in neural stem cells self-renewal, probably in combination with other niche factors  |
neurogenic continuum, initiating at the early postnatal period and being maintained over the lifetime  |
inhibitory role for DLK1 in the regulation of angiogenesis, mediated by antagonism of the NOTCH pathway,  |
role for DLK1 in the post-natal development of hypothalamic functions, most notably those regulated by the arginine-vasopressin and oxytocin systems  |
major dual inhibitory function of DLK1 on adipogenesis, which places DLK1 as a master regulator of preadipocyte homeostasis  |
its expression is not essential for the normal development of beta-cells, somatotrophs and endothelial cells  |
imprinted gene best known for its ability to inhibit adipogenesis, is a crucial regulator of the myogenic program in skeletal muscle  |
dual biological function of DLK1 as an enhancer of muscle development, but as an inhibitor of adult muscle regeneration |