| transmembrane glycoprotein, calcium dependent component of adherens junction that may thus contribute to the sorting of heterogeneous cell types |
induces BMP signaling and de-epithelialization during the epithelial mesenchymal transition of the neural crest  |
functions as an inhibitor of tubulogenesis, whereas CDH1 is required for lumen formation  |
promote mammalian CNS circuit development by ensuring that axons of specific cell types connect to their appropriate synaptic targets  |
has a functional role in platelet aggregation and thrombus formation  |
is a potential regulator of invasiveness in thyroid tumors  |
is proteolytically processed during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions of the cranial neural crest  |
involved in cell-cell or cell-extracellular matrix interactions |
is required for accumulation of F-actin in apical neural crest cells (NCCs) tails during detachment  |
is likely an important determinant of where subcellular actomyosin forces are generated during EMT  |
is necessary for the generation of ISL1-positive dorsal interneurons, as well as the initiation of pre-migratory neural crest cell emigration  |
is removed from premigratory neural crest cells through cell surface internalization events that include clathrin-mediated endocytosis and macropinocytosis  |
is a type 2 cadherin, which drives EMT during embryonic development and it is aberrantly re-activated in cancer  |