| activating the Ras-like family of Rho proteins by exchanging bound GDP for GTP |
stimulating Rho-dependent signal |
inducing membrane ruffling |
required for PAK recruitment to CDC42- and RAC1 driven focal complexes |
with GIT1 regulate HGF-induced lamellipodia formation and WASF2 transport |
plays an important role in the regulation of spine dynamics through its high-affinity binding to the SHANK PDZ via its C- terminal motif (DETNL) |
up-regulates SLC9A3 membrane expression and activity by SHANK2-mediated protein-protein interaction and by activating Rho GTPases in the apical regions of epithelial cells |
ARHGEF7-mediated actin polymerization at synapses regulates vesicle localization |
is a novel downstream signalling mediator during invadopodia formation |
GIT1, GIT2, ARHGEF7 and RHOJ all colocalised in focal adhesions and depended on each other for their recruitment to focal adhesions |
multidomain-containing guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) ARHGEF7, that is a positive Hippo pathway regulator |
GIT1 and ARHGEF7 are involved in Ag-induced chemotaxis, a possible mecanism of concerted action of tyrosine kinases, GIT1/ARHGEF7 proteins, and Ca(2+) in the propagation of signals leading to the regulation of microtubule nucleation in activated mast cells |
GIT1/ARHGEF7 signaling proteins with PAK1 kinase represent a novel regulatory mechanism of microtubule nucleation in interphase cells |
ARHGEF6 and ARHGEF7, respectively, are guanine nucleotide exchange factors (activators) for the Rho family small GTP-binding protein family members RAC1 and CDC42 |