| phosphorylating dependent ubiquination |
mitotic regulator, inhibiting the anaphase promoting complex (cyclosome APC) and preventing mitotic exit in cytostatic factor (CSF) arrested eggs |
recognizes high-mannose type polysaccharides and either functions as a chaperone or leads to polyubiquitination and finally to degradation |
FBXO2 and SKP1 are subunits of an SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase  |
brain-enriched F-box protein implicated in the ubiquitination of glycoproteins discarded from the endoplasmic reticulum  |
functions as a chaperone suppressing glycoprotein aggregation  |
FBXO2, SKP1 implicated as potential genetic modifiers in age-related hearing loss  |
inhibit deglycosylation of denatured ribonuclease B by a cytosolic peptide:N-glycanase (PNGase)  |
FBXO2, FBXO6 are involved in the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation pathway  |
F-box protein, binding specifically to proteins modified with high-mannose oligosaccharides  |
FBXO2, FBXO6 are N-linked glycoprotein-specific F-box proteins  |
cytoplasmic protein and can bind its substrates only in this compartment  |
regulates APP levels and processing in the brain and may play a role in modulating AD pathogenesis  |