| microfibrillar associated glycoprotein 2, component of the elastin-associated microfibrils |
small glycoprotein covalently bound to microfibrils by disulfide linkages and specifically located on the beads of the beaded-filament structure of the microfibrils |
protein component of fibrillin-containing microfibrils where it partners with MFAP5 and other microfibril-associated proteins to define microfibril function |
play a role in elastin fiber assembly |
is a potential regulator of bone remodeling, and its absence results in osteopenia associated with an increase in osteoclast number  |
MFAP2 and MFAP5 have discrete functions in hematopoiesis  |
unlike MFAP2, MFAP5 has little or no role in normal bone homeostasis  |