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Symbol CD44 contributors: shn/pgu - updated : 22-04-2016
HGNC name CD44 molecule (Indian blood group)
HGNC id 1681
corresponding disease(s)
Other morbid association(s)
TypeGene ModificationChromosome rearrangementProtein expressionProtein Function
tumoral       gain of function
in gastric cancer (may be associated with alternative splicing)
tumoral       loss of function
by aberrant methylation of promoter of exon 1 in neuroblastoma
tumoral       gain of function
in breast cancer
tumoral       loss of function
in breast cancer, amplified in gastric cancer (maybe associated with alternative splicing)
tumoral       loss of function
in prostate carcinoma (primary or with metastases)
tumoral     --over  
of CD44v6, especially in early-onset gastric carcinomas
tumoral     --over  
may be an independent unfavorable prognostic factor for overall survival in advanced CRC, especially stage IV disease
constitutional     --over  
higher levels of CD34, CD44, and LIF were found in the placentas of pre-eclamptic compared with normotensive women
Variant & Polymorphism
Candidate gene
Therapy target
inhibition of HA-CD44 interaction leads to significant suppression of inflammation-related choroidal neovascularization (CNV) indicating the possibility of HA-CD44 blockage as a therapeutic target for inhibiting CNV in age macular dystrophy
targeting CD44 could be an effective strategy for halting Kras-dependent carcinomas
  • any obvious developmental or neurological deficits in mice in which expression of all known isoforms of CD44 is abolished
  • CD44-deficient fibroblasts were highly tumorigenic in nude mice
  • In CD44(-/-) mice, postpartum uterine involution is accelerated and maintenance of lactation is impaired
  • CD44-deficient mice succumb to unremitting inflammation following noninfectious lung injury
  • Macrophage recruitment into M. tuberculosis-infected lungs and delayed-type hypersensitivity sites is impaired in CD44-deficient CD44-/- mice. CD44-/- mice displayed a decreased survival and an enhanced mycobacterial outgrowth in lungs and liver during pulmonary tuberculosis
  • CD44(-/-) human TNF-transgenic mice display severe generalized osteopenia and an increased bone resorption due to enhanced number, size, and resorptive capacity of osteoclasts