| involved in growth hormone regulation and cell proliferation |
couple to the inhibition of adenylyl cyclase |
mediates inhibition of hormone secretion and cell proliferation, and modulates neurotransmission |
its activation results in the recruitment and stable association of beta-arrestin, followed by receptor internalization and intracellular receptor pooling |
participates in the development and maturation of specific neuronal populations during brain ontogenesis |
in response to somatostatin, mediates inhibition of insulin, glucagon, and growth hormone release and thus may affect glucose homeostasis |
behaves as a tumor suppressor when expressed and stimulated by its ligand somatostatin in pancreatic cancer |
SSTR1, SSTR2 may have important functional roles in the inner ear |
SSTR2 and SSTR5 are important markers in the regulation and development of Sertoli cell |
whereas SSTR2 might play a primary role in the differentiation and regulation of TSH, LH, and FSH cells, SSTR5 appear to be mainly involved in GH regulation from birth onward |
contributions of GRHL3, SSTR2 and SSTR4 receptors in olfactory processing |