| actin-dependent regulator of chromatin structure |
intrinsic factor of glial radial cells and plays a crucial role in embryogenesis and corticogenesis, determining the mammalian body and cortical size |
chromatin regulation by SMARCC2 controls cerebral cortical size and thickness |
expression of SMARCA2 and SMARCC2 during reprogramming was regulated by JAK/STAT3 activity |
involvement of SMARCC2-dependent chromatin remodeling in hippocampal neurogenesis and cognition, suggesing a specific role of adult neurogenesis in dentate gyrus (DG) in adaptive behavior |
SMARCC2, SMARCC1 play essential roles in specification, olfactory neural stem cells (oNSCs) proliferation and olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) maturation of developing olfactory epithelium |