| calcium dependent neutral cysteine proteinase (non lysosomal) |
possessing a proteolytic activity against a potential substrate |
involved in cytoskeleton remodeling |
participating in sarcomere remodeling by acting upstream of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway |
playing a physiological role in regulating the dysferlin protein complex |
is a critical but unstable enigmatic skeletal muscle protease |
has many attributes that make it ideally suited as a sensor of sarcomeric integrity and function, involved in its repair and maintenance |
is uniquely activated during lens fiber differentiation |
is an intracellular Na+-dependent protease, and Na+ regulate contribution of CAPN3 as a structural component in muscle cells |
is needed for the regenerative process probably during sarcomere remodeling |
having different cellular functions depending on the subcellular compartment in which it is located |
localizes to triads, where it plays an important role as a structural component and not as a protease |