| involved in dorsal-ventral limb patterning and kidney development and patterning modulator of motor axon guidance |
essential for the specification of dorsal limb fates at the zeugopodal and autopodal level in vertebrates |
regulation of the coordinated expression of COL4A3 and COL4A4 required for normal glomerular basal membrane morphogenesis |
required for the differentiation and migration of neurons within the dorsal spinal cord |
overlapping function of the LMX1A, LMX1B genes during embryonic CNS development |
LMX1A and LMX1B cooperate with FOXA2 to coordinate the specification of dopaminergic neurons and control of floor plate cell differentiation in the developing mesencephalon |
LMX1A and LMX1B function cooperatively to regulate proliferation, specification, and differentiation of mDA (midbrain dopaminergic neurons) progenitors, including their floor plate-like properties |
is essential for the development of the isthmic organizer and mesodiencephalic dopaminergic neurons |