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Symbol CACNA1F contributors: shn/npt - updated : 26-05-2016
HGNC name calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L type, alpha 1F subunit
HGNC id 1393
  • mouse with a loss-of-function mutation of Cacna1f gene has neither Cone ERG nor visual evoked potentials responses and has profound loss of photoreceptor synapses, and abnormal dendritic sprouting of second-order neurons in the photoreceptor layer (Mansergh et al, 2005)
  • in mice lacking Cav 1.4 channels, there are defects in the development of "ribbon" synapses formed between photoreceptors (PRs) and second-order neurons
  • Cacna1f-knockout mice show an apparent lack of visual function, gradual retinal degeneration, and disruption of photoreceptor synaptic terminals