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Symbol KLK6 contributors: mct/pgu - updated : 16-04-2020
HGNC name kallikrein-related peptidase 6
HGNC id 6367
corresponding disease(s)
Other morbid association(s)
TypeGene ModificationChromosome rearrangementProtein expressionProtein Function
constitutional     --over  
in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma in Alzheimer diseases
tumoral     --over  
in gastric cancer
tumoral     --low  
in breast and ovarian cancer, metastatic
tumoral     --over  
significantly increased in invasive cancers relative to normal ovaries
tumoral     --over  
in papillary renal cell carcinoma
tumoral     --over  
of KLK6 and KLK13 in ovarian cancer compared to normal ovarian tissues
constitutional     --over  
in multiple inflammatory and autoimmune conditions
constitutional     --over  
in demyelinating disease (pMID: 28254587)
constitutional     --low  
in Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH), with the lowest levels in patients who died
Susceptibility to aggressive PCa (prostate cancer)
Variant & Polymorphism SNP
  • SNP in the KLK 6 region strongly associated with aggressive PCa
  • Candidate gene
  • potential biomarkers that can significantly predict prognosis in terms of recurrence-free survival and overall survival in ovarian cancer
  • high concentration of KLK6 is an indicator of tumor proliferation and an independent predictive factor in non-small cell lung cancer
  • Marker
  • potential biomarkers in ovarian cancer
  • potential ability of KLK6 as a prognostic marker for gastric cancer
  • elevations in glioblastoma KLK6 protein have utility as prognostic markers of patient survival
  • KLK6 and KLK10 may be useful markers in gastroesophageal junction tumors
  • detection of low KLK6 expression in primary tumors represents a promising tool to stratify head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients with high risk for treatment failure
  • potential biomarker in colon adenocarcinoma
  • KLK6 is a potential biomarker of Tau pathology in Alzheimer disease
  • Therapy target
    potential therapeutic targets for treatment of ovarian cancer (PMID: 19707197)
    potential target for the treatment of skin disorders in which KLK activity is elevated
    may be therapeutic targets for treatment of ovarian cancer
    potential therapeutic targets in gastroesophageal junction tumors
    may represent a novel druggable target for Netherton syndrome and other inflammatory conditions e.g. atopic dermatitis
    could be used as target for therapeutic intervention in intracranial tumors