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Symbol FOXC2 contributors: mct/npt - updated : 28-06-2014
HGNC name forkhead box C2 (MFH-1, mesenchyme forkhead 1)
HGNC id 3801
TRANSCRIPTS type messenger
identificationnb exonstypebpproduct
ProteinkDaAAspecific expressionYearPubmed
1 - 1683 - 501 - 2006 1645610
Type restricted
   expressed in (based on citations)
SystemOrgan level 1Organ level 2Organ level 3Organ level 4LevelPubmedSpeciesStageRna symbol
Nervousnervecranial nerve   
Reproductivefemale systemuterus   
Respiratorylung   moderately
Urinarykidneynephronrenal capsuleglomerulus 
SystemTissueTissue level 1Tissue level 2LevelPubmedSpeciesStageRna symbol
cell lineage
cell lines
physiological period embryo
Text embryonic mesoderm
anterior rhombomeres, in the developing lymphatic vessels
  • a forkhead with (FH, winged helix) domain and DNA-binding motif
  • two loops-wings on the C-terminal side of an helix-turn-helix homeo domain
    interspecies homolog to murine mesenchyme forkhead 1 (MFH-1)
    homolog to Drosophila homeo forkhead
    homolog to murine Foxc2
  • HNF-3 FKH family of transcriptional activators
  • CATEGORY DNA associated , transcription factor
    SUBCELLULAR LOCALIZATION     intracellular
    basic FUNCTION
  • embryonic transcriptional regulator, playing a role in adipocyte metabolism by increasing the sensitivity of the beta-adremergic CAMP protein kinase A
  • involved in the specification of the lymphatic capillary versus collecting lymphatic vessel
  • playing a central role in promoting invasion and metastasis and that it may prove to be a highly specific molecular marker for human basal-like breast cancers
  • common transcriptional activator of insulin and TGF-beta signaling to directly regulate SERPINE1 expression via 2 distinct target sites, an insulin response element (IRE) and a novel forkhead-binding element (FBE), adjacent to a SMAD-binding site
  • controls the expression of a distinct set of podocyte genes involved in podocyte differentiation and glomerular basement membrane maturation
  • important regulator of the chemotactic motility of endothelial cells through the induction of CXCR4 expression
  • playing an important role for the normal development and maintenance of venous and lymphatic valves (Mellor 2007)
  • plays a role in conditions such as obesity, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes
  • essential regulator of the cardiovascular system in development and disease
  • regulates angiogenesis via multiple signaling pathways, including ITGB3, CXCR4, and DLL4
  • implicated in cancer progression through its induction of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
  • important metabo-regulator of mitochondrial morphology and metabolism
  • plays an important role in regulation of metabolism, arterial specification, and vascular sprouting
  • plays an important role in osteoblastogenesis by promoting osteoblast proliferation, survival and differentiation through up-regulation of ITGB1 in response to stimuli which induce bone formation
  • FOXC1 and FOXC2 are forkhead transcription factors that play essential roles during development and physiology
  • new role in regulating proliferation and preventing premature differentiation of activated muscle satellite cells
  • forkhead transcription factor that plays an essential role in lymphatic vascular development
  • pivotal role of phosphorylation in the regulation of FOXC2-mediated transcription in lymphatic endothelial cells and importance of FOXC2 phosphorylation in vascular development
  • required for the maintenance of the mesenchymal phenotype after TGFB1 induced EMT in human ovarian cancer cells
  • CELLULAR PROCESS nucleotide, transcription
    metabolism lipid/lipoprotein
    signaling sensory transduction/vision
    mesenchymal development
    a component
    DNA binding
    small molecule
  • interacting with ANGPT2 (controls ANGPT2 expression by direct activation of its promoter in adipocytes, promoter that alters vascular patterning, remodeling, maturation, and functions)
  • key molecule to regulate SERPINE1 gene expression
  • interacting with ITGB3 (directly induces ITGB3 expression and regulates angiogenesis by ITGB3-mediated endothelial cell adhesion and migration)
  • induces WNT signaling by direct interaction with the WNT4 (wingless-type MMTV integration site family member-4) promoter region
  • enhanced the expression of CTNNB1, an important modulator of osteoblastogenesis
  • requirement of FOXC2 for inorganic phosphate (Pi)-induced osteopontin (SPP1) expression and secretion from cancer cells as necessary for the angiogenic response
  • cell & other
    induced by high fat diet and counteracting most of the symptoms associated with obesity,hypertriglyceridemia and diet-induced insulin resistance
    during the course of tumor progression and that it might play a causal role in enabling metastatic dissemination
    corresponding disease(s) LPDD , YNS
    Other morbid association(s)
    TypeGene ModificationChromosome rearrangementProtein expressionProtein Function
    tumoral     --over  
    in metastatic cancer cells
    tumoral     --over  
    in invasive ovarian cancer cell lines and tissues
    constitutional     --over  
    in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs), may promote osteogenic differentiation and inhibit adipogenic differentiation, and this effect can be mediated via activating the canonical Wnt-CTNNB1signaling pathway (PMId: 24122419)
    tumoral     --over  
    in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma with advanced tumor stage, lymph node metastasis, and lymphatic invasion
    Susceptibility to varicose veins and hemorrhoids
    Variant & Polymorphism other mutations strongly associated with primary venous valve failure in both the superficial and deep veins in the lower limb (Mellor 2007)
    Candidate gene
    Therapy target functional interference with FOXC2 or ANGPT2 might provide a therapeutic approach for prevention and treatment of obesity or its related disorders
    FOXC2 knockout mouse displaying anterior segment abnormalities,craniofacial,cardiovascular and vertebrate anomalies