| substrate adhesion molecule of the extra-cellular matrix |
promoting neurite outgrowth of embryonic hippocampal neurons through the alternatively spliced fibronectin type III BD domains via activation of the cell adhesion molecule |
like TNC, FBLN1 inhibits fibroblast spreading and cell-mediated contraction of a fibrin-FN matrix |
TNC and TNR play antagonistic roles for differentiation and comparably inhibit morphologic maturation |
endogenous activator of TLR4-mediated immunity that mediates persistent synovial inflammation and tissue destruction in arthritic joint disease |
playing a potential role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, where its induction upon tissue injury creates a perpetual destructive cycle |
role of tenascin-C as a regulator of the fibrinolytic system |
potential role for this protein in vascular morphogenesis, in matrices of injured and tumor tissues |
is a critical component of the bone marrow microenvironment that is required for hematopoietic regeneration |
matricellular protein expressed during embryonic development, as well as in wound healing and cancer invasion in various tissues, and may regulate cell behavior and matrix organization during tissue remodeling |
TNC and tenascin-R (TNR) play important roles in cell proliferation and migration, fate determination, axonal pathfinding, myelination, and synaptic plasticity |
in cell interactions during development and, in the adult, in synaptic activity and plasticity, as well as regeneration after injury, TNC is conducive for regeneration and TNR is inhibitory for functional recovery |
plays an important role in cochlear development |
unidentified roles for TNC in hemopoiesis: in lineage commitment of thymic T cell progenitors, peripheral T cell migration, and hemopoietic reconstitution |
TNC and tenascin-R (TNR), regulate differentiation and migration, in addition to neurite outgrowth and survival in numerous types of neurons and mesenchymal progenitor cells |