| modulating cell fate and cell behavior during vertebrate development |
immediate downstream target of GATA-factor regulation during early cardiogenesis |
functions at multiple stages of development during embryonic stem cell differentiation and during the commitment and diversification of mesoderm |
autocrine growth and differentiation factor for hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cells |
activating the beta-catenin /TCF signaling pathway |
regulator of dopaminergic progenitors and dopaminergic neuron development |
having a novel function, as a biologically and physiologically relevant player in the regulation of progenitor proliferation and dopaminergic neurogenesis in the developing ventral mesencephalon |
important role in brain development, and is one of the strong candidate genes for autism |
acting as an angiogenic growth factor for non-sinusoidal endothelial cells and inhibiting expression of stanniocalcin-1 (STC1) |
important signaling molecule that promote the earliest aspects of lung airway smooth muscle development |