identification | nb exons | type | bp | product
Protein | kDa | AA | specific expression | Year | Pubmed
| 12
| 2507
| -
| 335
| maternally imprinted in normal and carcinoma breast tissue
| 2000
| 10631159
| | starting from exon 1-2 |
| 12
| 2455
| -
| 326
| adult lymphocytes, lymphoblastoid cell lines, not imprinted, highly expressed in breast carcinoma
| 2000
| 10631159
| | starting from exon A skipping exon 1 (A-2) |
| -
| 2400
| -
| -
| expressed only from the paternal allele, predominantly in testis and in mature motile spermatozoa
| 2000
| 10631159
| 12
| 2419
| -
| 326
| -
| 2000
| 10631159
| -
| 2471
| -
| 321
| -
| 2000
| 10631159
| -
| 2350
| -
| 292
| -
| 2000
| 10631159
| -
| 2302
| -
| 292
| -
| 2000
| 10631159