| regulator of the ventral limb patterning |
inhibiting WNT7A expression in ventral limb bud |
involved in transcriptional and translational modulation |
seems to be capable of acting as a morphogen in its own right |
EN1, EN2 represent a new class of genes that are fundamental to patterning cerebellum foliation throughout the mediolateral axis and that act late in development |
EN1, EN2 are required for patterning the morphological and molecular domains along both axes, as well as for the establishment of the normal afferent topography required to generate a fully functional cerebellum |
functions upstream of FGFR2 in regulating early calvarial osteogenic differentiation, and likely it plays an additional role in precluding premature osteogenic conversion of the sutural mesenchyme |
EN1 and EN2 have overlapping functions in the cells derived from each progenitor zone in regulating formation of additional fissures and for extensive cerebellar growth |
is an activator of intrinsic inflammatory pathways associated with prosurvival in basal-like breast cancer |
expressed in the ventral ectoderm of the developing limb where it plays an instructive role in the dorsal-ventral patterning of the forelimb (PMUID: 25710467) |
EN1 but not EN2 has a direct and specific repulsive effect on motor axons of the lateral aspect of the lateral motor column (LMC) but not on medial LMC projections |
important roles for EN1 in the development and maturation of a diverse group of brainstem auditory neurons |
is a gene important for ventral nuclei of the lateral lemniscus (VNLL) neuron development and survival |
regulated levels of PITX3 and EN1 control the size and rostral/caudal-identity of the Mesodiencephalic dopaminergic (mdDA) neuronal population |
plays an important role in the regionalization of the neural tube |