| non myristoylated cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase, playing a role in lymphocyte activation |
nonredundant role for ZAP70 in signals induced by the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) |
is a tyrosine kinase that plays a role in signal transduction from the T-cell receptor |
ZAP70 inhibits SYK-mediated osteoclast function |
critical role of ZAP70 in T-cell receptor (TCR) signalling |
distinct roles for ZAP70 as a structural protein regulating integrin-mediated control of actin vs its catalytic activity that regulates TCR-mediated control of actin and membrane remodelling during formation of the immunological synapse |
kinase activity of ZAP70 stimulates negative feedback pathways that target LCK and thereby modulate the phosphorylation patterns of the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) of the CD3 and zeta chain components of the TCR |
potential role for ZAP70 dependent signaling in CD27 induction, implicating CD27 in cell-cell interactions with the lymphoid tissue microenvironment |
differential requirements of ZAP70 and SYK during thymic development, peripheral homeostasis as well as effector functions of CD4 and CD8 T cells (PMUID: 26187144) |
OTUD7B is a positive regulator of TCR-proximal signaling and T cell activation, highlighting the importance of deubiquitination in regulating ZAP70 function |
LAT, like CD247 and ZAP70, plays likely a role in neurogenesis and that perturbation of this pathway may lead to neurodevelopmental phenotypes |