| acting as a E3-ubiquitin-protein ligase |
catalyzing uquitination in presence of UBE2E2 through the Ring domain |
TRIM50 localizes to and promotes the recruitment and aggregation of polyubiquitinated proteins to the aggresome |
likely when the proteasome activity is impaired, TRIM50 fails to drive its substrates to the proteasome-mediated degradation, and promotes their storage in the aggresome for successive clearance |
is likely involved in vesicular dynamics by sensing the phosphorylated state of phosphoinositol lipids |
seems to play an essential role in tubulovesicular dynamics, promoting the formation of sophisticated canaliculi and microvilli during acid secretion in gastric parietal cells |
TRIM50 and TRIM72 may exert similar biological roles in vesicular trafficking below the cell membrane in muscle and parietal cells, respectively |
TRIM50 promotes the formation and clearance of aggresome-associated polyubiquitinated proteins through HDAC6 interaction, a tubulin specific deacetylase that regulates microtubule-dependent aggresome formation |