| involved in protein ubiquitination |
its activity is required for S3 cleavage of the NOTCH1 receptor  |
essential for Jagged as well as Deltalike ligand-mediated Notch signaling in mammalian development  |
potentially important for intraembryonic hematopoiesis not only in the aortic endothelium but also in the the floor of the aorta and subaortic patches  |
essential E3 ligase in T and marginal zone B cell development, through the regulation of Notch ligands in the thymic and splenic microenvironments  |
multidomain E3 ligase that directs ubiquitination of the Notch ligands Delta and Jagged to promote their endocytosis  |
sufficient to activate WNT/CTNNB1 signaling and that this activity depends on endogenous RYK  |
both RYK and MIB1 are required for Wnt-3A-mediated activation of CTNNB1  |
is required for correct proximodistal (P-D) patterning of the developing pancreas and beta-cell formation  |
MIB1 modulates dynamin recruitment by regulating the interaction between SNX18 and DNM2, thereby helping to ensure the efficient signaling activity of Notch ligands  |