| growth arrest specific gene (gas), subunit, receptor tyrosine kinase, class III, binding both PDGFA and PDGFB and having a tyrosine-protein kinase activity |
implicated in several cellular processes such as cell proliferation, normal development, and tumorigenesis |
is required for medial nasal processes (MNP) development by maintaining the migration of progenitor neural crest cells (NCCs) and the proliferation of MNP cells  |
is a novel regulator of MNP development, elucidating the roles of its downstream signaling pathways at cellular and molecular levels  |
is crucial for controlling the production of oligodendrocytes (OLs) for myelination  |
PDGFRA targets progenitor cell plasticity as a profibrotic mechanism  |
PDGFRA signaling promotes lung alveolar septation by regulating fibroblast activation and matrix fibroblast differentiation, whereas myofibroblast differentiation was largely PDGFRA independent  |
PDGFRA may be a relevant target to regulate connective tissue remodeling  |
importance of balancing stromal versus adipogenic cell expansion during white adipose tissue development, with PDGFRA activity coordinating this crucial process in the embryo  |
constitutive activation of PDGFRA leads to expansion of cartilage underlying the coronal sutures, which contribute to suture closure through endochondral ossification, in a process regulated in part by PI3K/AKT signaling  |