| interacting with VANGL2 |
interacting with EPAS1, ALDOB, EXOC7, FLOT1, KRT18, PAX2 (Oeffner 2008) |
genetic interaction of BBS1 and BBS4 with the endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) gene TSG101 and accumulation of receptor in late endosomes, reduced endosomal recycling and reduced receptor degradation in lysosomes  |
PKD1 interacts with BBS1, BBS4, BBS5 and TTC8, four of the seven components of the BBSome  |
BBS3 and BBS1 regulate the ciliary trafficking of PKD1  |
BBS1 with the M390R mutation, responsible for 30p100 of all reported BBS disease cases, fails to interact with ARL6-GTP  |
ARL6-BBS1 interaction is reinforced by BBS9  |