| playing a role as a growth and tumor suppressor |
functioning as a cell type-specific adhesion molecule or receptor at the glial cell surface |
playing a role in the nervous system in neuroglial differentiation, development, and/or maintenance of neural functions where it is expressed |
plays an essential role in Met degradation |
suppressor of Met function, serving to regulate cellular receptor levels by promoting Met degradation in a ligand- and cbl-independent manner |
acting in a negative feedback loop to regulate the activity of RET receptor tyrosine kinase |
endogenous inhibitor of RET receptor tyrosine kinase activation, downstream signaling, and biological responses to GDNF |
negative regulator of growth factor signaling |
possible role for LRIG1 and LRIG2 proteins in meningioma pathogenesis |
LRIG1 and LRIG3 overlap prominently in the developing vestibular apparatus and simultaneous removal of both genes disrupts inner ear morphogenesis |
LRIG genes appear to act both redundantly and independently, with LRIG2 emerging as the most functionally distinct family member |
LRIG1 is a negative regulator of the STAT3-dependent inflammatory pathway |
is an independent prognostic factor in patients with non-small cell lung cancer that could be important in future decision-making algorithms for adjuvant lung cancer treatment |
important homeostatic role of LRIG1 in skin |
essential role of LRIG1 in regulating morphogenic events that shape the hippocampal circuits |
is a tumor suppressor and a negative regulator of several receptor tyrosine kinases |
LRIG1 functions as a thyroid tumor suppressor |
negatively regulates receptor tyrosine kinases and functions as a tumor suppressor |
participate in the aggressive progression of several tumors, where its expression is frequently decreased |
acts as a critical regulator of melanoma cell invasion, migration, and vasculogenic mimicry upon hypoxia |
tumor suppressor in gastrointestinal tract and epidermis |
represents a pleiotropic AR-regulated feedback tumor suppressor that functions to restrict oncogenic signaling from AR |