| interacting with AHI1 (distribution and functioning of RAB8A is regulated by AHI1, not only affecting cilium formation, but also vesicle transport) |
interaction of MICALL2 with RAB8A and RAB13 coordinates the assembly of adherens junctions and tight junctions  |
RAB8A and RAB11A are associated with the BBS pathway  |
in teracting with TRAPPC3, -C9, and -C10 that are required for RABIN8 centrosome trafficking and ciliogenesis  |
PEBP1 interacting with RAB8A (interacts preferably with the GDP-bound form of RAB8A in the retina) |
RAB8A8A and ERC1 can be linked by MICAL3  |
TBC1D10A interacts with SYTL1 to coordinate RAB8A and ARF6 membrane trafficking  |
exocyst component EXOC6 directly interacts with RAB8A in its activated conformation  |
through its catalytic activity, TBC1D17 inhibits recruitment of RAB8A to the tubules and reduces colocalisation of transferrin receptor and RAB8A  |
ASAP1 serves as a scaffold that brings together the proteins necessary for transport to the cilia including the GTP-binding protein ARF4 and the two G proteins of the Rab family--RAB11A and RAB8A--linked by the RAB8A guanine nucleotide exchange factor RAB3IP  |
SYTL4 and RAB8A enhance dense granule release and the SYTL4 effect is dependent on RAB8A binding  |
components of the vesicular transport machinery, the GEF RAB3IP and the GTPase RAB8A, are interacting partners of CEP164  |
STK38L-mediated RAB8A phosphorylation is crucial for ciliogenesis by triggering the switch in binding specificity of RAB8A from phosphatidylserine (PS) to EXOC6, thereby promoting local activation of RAB8 and ciliary membrane formation  |
RAB3IL1 is a dual RAB-binding protein that could potentially link RAB3A and RAB11A/RAB11B and/or RAB8A/RAB8B and RAB11-mediated intracellular trafficking processes  |
KIAA0586 affects cilia formation through RAB8A recruitment and/or activation  |
MYO5A mediates RAB8A-regulated SLC2A4 vesicle exocytosis in insulin-stimulated muscle cells  |
RAB8A enhanced SNCA aggregation and reduced SNCA-induced cellular toxicity  |
RAB35 functions as a master RAB that determines the intracellular localization of MICALL1, which in turn functions as a scaffold for RAB8A, RAB13, and RAB36  |
TBC1D4 is the GTPase activating protein (GAP) for RAB8A, which forms a ternary complex with CIDEC and RAB8A to positively regulate Lipid droplets fusion  |
WLS binds to RAB8A  |
small GTPase RAB8A interacts with VAMP3 to regulate the delivery of recycling T-cell receptors to the immune synapse  |
EHBP1L1 links RAB8A and the BIN1-dynamin complex, which generates membrane curvature and excises the vesicle at the ERC for apical transport  |
ARHGAP26 -mediated removal of RAB8A from the cell surface restricts its activity during protrusion formation, thereby facilitating dynamic adjustment of the polarity axis  |
new function of LRRK2 mediated by RAB8A phosphorylation and related to various centrosomal defects  |
LRRK2 mediated RAB8A phosphorylation promotes lipid storage  |
by impairing RAB8A function, pathogenic G2019S LRRK2 deregulates endolysosomal transport and endocytic recycling events  |
BAG6 binds not only RAB8A but also a functionally distinct set of Rab family proteins, and is also required for the correct distribution of Golgi and endosomal markers  |
phosphatase OCRL, located on macropinosomes, interacts with RAB8A, suggesting that RAB8A may operate on multiple levels to modulate phosphoinositides in macropinosomes  |