| involved in the specification and morphogenesis of the sensory retina |
required for retinal progenitor cell proliferation early in retinogenesis and subsequently for bipolar neuron differentiation |
involved in bipolar cells differentiation  |
play a critical role in the developing kidney  |
LHX3/VSX2 medullary reticular formation neurons are likely involved in locomotion |
utilizes both cell-autonomous and cell-nonautonomous mechanisms to regulate progenitor properties in the embryonic retina  |
labels all multipotent retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) and is known to play important roles in retinal development  |
can function as a cell autonomous regulator of the regional identity in the primordial retina, presumably through a downstream transcriptional cascade  |
important role for VSX2 as a regulator of WNT signaling, suggesting that VSX2 may act to maintain neural retina (NR) identity at the expense of RPE in part by direct repression of WNT pathway constituents  |
VSX2 actively promotes spinal V2a interneurons fate, downstream of LHX3, while concomitantly suppressing the motor neurons (MN) developmental program by preventing the MN-specific transcription complex from binding and activating MN genes  |