| putative upregulated c-Myc target gene |
cell-cycle-regulated enzyme of importance in nucleotide metabolism as well as an activator of antiviral and anticancer drugs such as 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) |
regulatory enzyme that can interchange between its dimeric and tetrameric forms, which have low and high catalytic efficiencies, respectively |
cell cycle regulation of TK1 in normal tubule cells differ from that in other type of normal and malignant renal cells |
blood cells are less dependent on mitochondrial TK2 compared with several other tissues and these cells can synthesize deoxyribonucleotides required for mtDNA replication by alternative pathways such as phosphorylation of thymidine by cytosolic TK1 |
functional contribution of thymidine kinase 1 in repair of DNA damage ( |
involved in DNA synthesis and an important proliferation marker |