| physical and functional association of glucuronyltransferases and sulfotransferase involved in B3GAT1 biosynthesis  |
on GRIA2 regulates cell surface stability of GRIA2 by modulating the interaction with CDH2  |
CHST10 is a sulfotransferase that forms B3GAT1 glycan on neural cell adhesion proteins and glycolipids, and B3GAT1 is thought to modulate cell adhesion and possibly metastasis  |
novel role for CHST10 as a regulator of the functional glycans on DAG1 other than B3GAT1 biosynthesis  |
CHST10 adds sulfate to glucuronic acid to form a carbohydrate antigen, B3GAT1, in glycoproteins and glycolipids  |
KL expression was associated with expression of the non-sulfated B3GAT1 epitope  |